To the Love That’s Still a Stranger

I haven’t met you yet (or maybe I have?), and I am not sure how this will all begin. I am not the most outgoing guy, so if we do meet, it might be in some quiet corner, away from the crowd. I wonder if, like me, your eyes brighten at the thought of losing yourself in a great movie or finding peace in solitude, but even if you are completely different from me, I believe it could st ill work.

I am not the loudest or the most expressive, but I feel deeply. I love in a quiet way, but it’s a love that’s constant and unwavering. You might not always see it in grand gestures, but you’ll find it in the little things I do.

 I don’t expect much from you. You might have your own set of scars, stories you prefer not to tell, and songs that bring back memories you would rather forget. That’s okay. We will create our own quiet space, filled with inside jokes, meaningful conversations, and the comfort of knowing we don’t always have to fill the silence.

There are so many ideas of what love should be, and I have tried to understand them before. But with you, I just want to be myself. I want us to find our own rhythm, even if it’s a little unconventional. I don’t need us to be perfect; I just want us to be real.

I am not the best at keeping track of dates or anniversaries, and I might not always know the right words to say. But I will show my love in small ways—in the way I listen to you, in the way I will make sure you’re okay, in the way I will be there when you need someone. 

My past with love has been a bit rocky, and I know I am not ideal. But for you, I will step out of my comfort zone, even if it means doing things that scare me. I might be hesitant, but I will always try, because you will be worth it.

This time, I want to take things slow, to do it right, even if it means waiting for you. So, here’s the question: Will you be the plot twist I didn’t see coming, or should I keep searching for the right script?

To the Love That’s Still a Stranger

I haven’t met you yet (or maybe I have?), and I am not sure how this will all begin. I am not the most outgoing guy, so if we do meet, it m...