Twice I have posted about the journey to Kerala, A Second Class Journey and The Harthal Punk , the excitement,the experience is worth recalling.
But what about the journey back to Pune?
Trip to Kerala is kind of a relief after all the exam tensions.
And the way back is more heartbreaking because its back again to the same old life.

I reached the station around 10:30pm and I haven’t been a 
fan of night train journeys,It's always disappointing because you cannot enjoy the beautiful countryside view outside but this time it was different with slight drizzle, cool air.It was perfect,when the train halted at stops it convinced me that night trains have their own special kind of appeal.

The train arrives. I got in. I had got the SIDE LOWER seat, and there was nobody in. I kept my bags, and just sat there.At the next station entered a family of four,the father was so irritated, it seemed like he missed a flight ticket or something.He was so uncomfortable, but as soon as the train started moving, he started snoring. And snoring, so loud. His wife kept pinching him occasionally, to convey that she cared about the fellow passengers.Was so irritated with that snoring.

In spite of being a soft-spoken, calm guy, the things that irritate me are quite significant in numbers. I do not follow Bollywood, or Twilight, or Justin Beiber, or Taylor Swift. People are cool with that when I put it that way, because the majority are not really proud of following these. But when I say, I'm an introvert, melophile and a cinephile, people think I am some sort of a freak. Maybe that is one reason I don’t open my mouth.

 It was around 8 in the morning and the train had arrived at Mangalore Junction(Karnataka). 
And that is when I saw her.I made way for her to pass, but then she kept her bag at my side. She would be the one who would be travelling next to me on this remaining 12 hour train journey to Pune.
She was pretty, she looked smart and bright.And her eyes were searching for something,something outside the window. Her parents. She waved them goodbye, as I looked at her parents, both of them smiling and waving. It was a rare, heart-warming sight.
The train started, and there she sits, opposite me. I glance at her, as I type in goodbyes to my friend through WhatsApp. Outside, I looked quite normal, and calm, but inside, I was really happy about the fact that I was finally sitting next to a girl in the train.

I sat there, and this time, somehow, I really wanted to get to know this person, I didn’t want to just let her go. Maybe it was because of the numerous times I have let go of all the girls I found interesting simply because I was a shy. 
But how do I begin. I didn’t know. 


To the Love That’s Still a Stranger

I haven’t met you yet (or maybe I have?), and I am not sure how this will all begin. I am not the most outgoing guy, so if we do meet, it m...