To the One who hasn't had a First Love


You hate Rom-Coms.

You don't know how men in movies can cry. Boys don't cry!

You think that your friends are your bros and girls bring unnecessary drama.

I don't blame you. You were 'bred' to think that, life is all about who can run the fastest, who can spit the farthest and who can burp the loudest.

You are not aware of how to use your heart.

You text a 'Happy Mother's Day' to your mom at 12:00A.M. sharp and that's the only acceptable way for you to show 'love'. She birthed you, raised you, she knows what you don't say, so she knows how much that text means.

That's how low is the bar that you have set.

So, when you meet the girl who makes time crawl when she's away and speed past you whenever she's around, you won't know what to say.

You won't know that it's okay to say, "you are beautiful," when she tucks a lock of hair behind her ear and you think she's a goddess.

You won't know that it's okay to say, "you take my breath away," when she crinkles her nose and hides her laughter behind a smile at the poorest jokes you crack.

You won't know that it's okay to say, "it's okay. I'm here," when she eventually shares her fears with you.

You won't know that it's okay to say, "I love you," when you love her and could do anything for her.

You won't know it's okay to say, "I'm sorry. I don't know how to express what I feel. Please, teach me," when she leaves you, believing her feelings are unrequited.

So, all I can say is, all the best for your second love.




To the Love That’s Still a Stranger

I haven’t met you yet (or maybe I have?), and I am not sure how this will all begin. I am not the most outgoing guy, so if we do meet, it m...