The Love Letter

       All characters and events depicted in the story are entirely fictitious. Any similarity to actual events or persons, is purely coincidental. :P

 The advancement in Communication has really shrunk this world. Nowadays,
if you have special feelings for a girl, there are thousand ways to let her know, so easy, you can just call to her personal mobile. Or just message her on WhatsApp, or Facebook.      
    This story happens at the early of 2000s.Vineeth ,was in love with his classmate Kalyani. He didn't have any idea how to express his love towards her. Days, and months passed by, when he would just watch her and adore her beauty.
    So one day he decided to write her a love letter. He got back from school, listened to some romantic songs. just to get into that wonderful mood.In his mind, he pictured her, as a beautiful princess, dancing around, gracefully, as words came floating in the air that lit up the atmosphere. So, he decorated a piece of paper with all that and thus finished his very first love letter.
The next day, he had to give her the letter but didn’t have the courage to do that. So, he decided to hand it over to her best friend Nithya and ask her to tell her that Vineeth gave it to her. Vineeth was a little late to school, so didn't see her in the morning. Got to class, told his close friends about this. Everyone really liked it. And one of them agreed to accompany him in the short break to her class.
    So, they waited for the short break, which was after two periods, two hours. Just when the bell rang, the maths teacher hadn't finished teaching. He hated it when that happened. As soon as she left, he and his buddy Shaam ran two blocks from their class, to her class, and he saw her, chatting with her best friend. He froze for a while, he didn't knew what to do. Shaam took the letter from him, and he walked to her, and handed her the letter, said something, that's all Vineeth saw, before he hid himself behind the wall. The next time he tried to take a peek, Shaam was running towards him, and said, Come let’s go!"
They got back in classroom, just before the next teacher got in, and then began, the wait.He had to wait 3 hours, for the lunch break, to see what the outcome was. That time period, was just unbearable. But he also realized, that it was in these time period that he has loved her most.Many questions came into this mind would she say yes? would she say no? or should he just carry on loving her without letting her know? Would she hate him for this? Will he be able to live with that? and because of all that, he wanted this feeling to last as long as it could.
    But the bell rang, eventually, for the lunch break. He was so tensed and excited. he was just sitting there, looking down at the desk, while his friend was outside, eagerly waiting to see if anyone's coming.
"Hey, they're coming man!!" called out his friend, and he got into his bench, took out a book, pretending to read it. Vineeth got up and went out to the door, and they were standing right there, and he was right in front of her, his sweet princess, and her best friend. It was really awkward, He didn't know what to do, he wasn't prepared to do anything at all, he just stood there, with no expression.
   Nithya friend seemed angry, and Kalyani looked a little worried. He had nothing to say, he was just prepared to listen to whatever they had to say, to which he would simply reply with an "OK".
"Where is your friend?? Where is he hiding??" asked her friend,Nithya.
That wasn't really what he was expecting, and he said, "I'm sorry, It was me who asked him to... " but they weren’t listening to him, she was searching for Shaam, and saw him hiding his face behind his textbook. She went to him, which left Vineeth and his heart-throb standing next to each other. He had dreamed of this moment, although in different circumstances. He was a little shy to look at her, fearing whether she'd be angry with him, for what he did, but he noticed that she was eager to have his attention. They both looked at each other. She smiled at him.And right the, her friend came rushing, grabbed his sweetheart's hand and left.He was left wondering why she didnt say a single word to him, in spite of being angry.He was just looking at her, to see if she would look back which she did.
    All this, put him in a really good mood,he slowly walked towards his friend's desk and told him, “Dude,she smiled at me!" But he noticed that Shaam had the expression of that of a person who just stepped on a crap. He asked him, what the matter was. That is when he told Vineeth, that he gave Vineeth’s letter to Kalyani, telling her that it was his(Shaam) letter that he wrote it for her friend Pooja. He had been bothering her for quite a while and she was really angry with him. She didn't believe that he wrote such a wonderful letter. She threatened him that if he didn't tell her who wrote this letter, she would tell it to her brother. So he lied again, he said that he asked Vineeth to write a beautiful love letter without telling the reason so that he could give it to her.
    Vineeth was speechless. He didn't knew what to do.He was let down by the acts of his friend.Though he was happy that Kalyani admired his letter and that was all he wanted.And that was it. The End of a Beginning.

To the Love That’s Still a Stranger

I haven’t met you yet (or maybe I have?), and I am not sure how this will all begin. I am not the most outgoing guy, so if we do meet, it m...