Ishq - Not a Love Story

All characters and events depicted in the story are entirely fictitious. Any similarity to actual events or persons is purely coincidental. :P

Vinod had fallen in love with Nithya, which would probably be as close to true love as he knew it, for he fell in love with her for all the good reasons. She was like an angel. Full of grace, and charm, and watery eyes and Vinod, on the other hand, was shy and was afraid to confess his love to her.

They knew each other for about 2 years and he finally thought that this was the time he should convey his feelings towards her. So he messaged her one day and asked her to meet in person.

She agreed and told him to reach a coffee shop near her house. He kept rehearsing the lines he wanted to say in front of a mirror. 
He dressed up for the meet and took a bus to reach the cafe as his house was far away from where Nithya stayed.

They met, they spoke for some while and then he proposed her, the most exciting thing about this was even Nithya had the same feelings. She was also waiting for such a day to let Vinod how much she loved him.They walked through the streets, and talked, and said goodbye before it got dark.

He still was so nervous, that he couldn't breathe properly, with the same excitement he took a bus and came back home.

Even after reaching home, he couldn't speak, his heart was pounding fast, he couldn't breathe.

Later he understood its symptoms of the corona, he is under observation now.

We had told him to stay home and don't go outside and meet other people, we last heard that even Nithya is under observation.

So please stay home don't go outside.
Take Care Everyone.

-Inspired from Memes๐Ÿ’Ÿ๐Ÿ’Ÿ

To the Love That’s Still a Stranger

I haven’t met you yet (or maybe I have?), and I am not sure how this will all begin. I am not the most outgoing guy, so if we do meet, it m...