So How Have you Been?

Today she asked me,

"So how have you been?"

And I started talking

about a wonderful day

And she just sat there

Letting me ramble on for a while

Waiting for me to realize

That she wasn't going to fall

for this facade I had created

 to hide away behind my lies


It gave me pause

And I watched her

take a sip from her coffee

Because she was still waiting

on a real answer from me

And it made me think about

this knee jerk reaction of ours

Of how

when someone asks us how we are 

We reply without a thought,

that we are absolutely fine

Forgetting how today morning

we woke up in panic

And just couldn't stop crying


Ignoring how things around us

seem to be falling to pieces 

And how we gather them all up with a broom 

 and lay them out delicately on the dinner table

Take some glue from the top shelf in our room 

And painstakingly stick everything together

hoping it would look brand new


And of course we get away with it

Because we have been doing it for so long

We know where every broken piece of us belongs

But only those that know

the inner most depth of our lives 

Can seem to find the cracks

hidden under layers of paint,in those barely visible glue lines


And we do all this just

to fool ourselves into believing

That life is good right now

and there's nothing

we could possibly be missing

 Until we meet that one person 

who knows, just knows


And they ask you "so how have you been?"

And you're left wondering maybe

you don't have enough practice after all


for those glue lines

to be left unseen.





To the Love That’s Still a Stranger

I haven’t met you yet (or maybe I have?), and I am not sure how this will all begin. I am not the most outgoing guy, so if we do meet, it m...