le poème - Why am I Single?

Being single can be sometimes tough,
My friends are worried, My parents aren't suprised!
They look to me and say , "Shakal Dekhi hai Apni ?"(Have you looked at yourself in the mirror!?)

So I thought I should write something about it,
 I have been asked this question so many times it always tends to niggle,
Rintu could you please tell me one thing , Why are you still single?

I thought about it so many times now that i finally hit end of my wits,
But one day I came up with an answer that fits.
Heres something I came up with,

  When I was 20, I fell in love with my collegematewas talking with her for months and everything was going great

If Her skin was like milk,
Her Hair was like silk,
It smelt like strawberries,
Her white and red cheeks like cherries dipped in fresh cream

Infact whenever I tried to describe her it sounded less like a ballad,
but more like I was loving not a girl but a fruit salad.

But the most important thing was,
telling her like exactly how I feel,
how having her around was a big deal

I went up to her and looked into her eyes,
my heartbeat had a swift,as i was to break the ice

Saying those words didnt take long,
but it broke the freindship along

All she wanted from me was a bestfriend,
and deep inside my dreams came to an end

Though this doesnt meant it was end of the road

 but everytime I proposed, I was "FRIENDZONED"

To the Love That’s Still a Stranger

I haven’t met you yet (or maybe I have?), and I am not sure how this will all begin. I am not the most outgoing guy, so if we do meet, it m...