A Walk down the Memory Lane

    ” Yeh Daulat Bhi Lelo , Ye Shauhrat Bhi Lelo,

    Bhale Chhin Lo Mujhse Meri Jawani ..

    Magar Mujhko Lauta Do Bachpan Ka Saawan

    Wo Kaagaz Ki Kashti, Wo Baarish Ka Paani !!!!!”

(Source: WhatsApp Forward)

Childhood is the best part of human life where we had no worries no tensions, only fun.

We all  were born in a generation where we did not have mobile phones, Facebook etc.Today’s generation is more into mobile phones/tablets or in bigger terms – Technology. We played outside more, we have also been fortunate enough to enjoy all this technology in our teenage years.i wanted to list down few things which we cherished during our childhood but all is just a memory.

Video Games :

They used to be the best timepass of our generation. I remember playing Contra, Mario like hell.

Two player mode in Contra taught us about teamwork.The entry of the hero in this game💖, I think still is the best entry ever!!!

Not to forget this little guy,at one point it was tough to clear a particular level.

  I hated this guy,

That cassette that told the most open lie ever. I dont think there could have been more than 50 games.

Trading Cards:

The famous WWF(now WWE) trump cards and I always wanted Undertaker card when he was Rank 1.We played these like maniacs.

The only question running through my mind was,“Were those fights REAL??”


Even though Cheetos is still in the market but they dont have Pokemon Tazos as FREE items. Collecting and Trading them was one of the best all time memories!!

Telephone Booths :

Nowadays, every member in the family owns a mobile, but landlines were a common sight in all households then.Every Sunday night we used to go to a nearby store to call my grandparents in Kerala.

And while returning I used to buy these...

Cadbury Choki

This melted chocolate was a treat for the tongue. I wouldnt be satisfied with one Choki at a time.Sad it is discontinued.

Cadbury Bytes: (miss this)

long story short : I still remember the day when I first had this chocolate flavoured chips.I was in Kerala,my grandfather used to say there is a toffy called bytes you need to taste it (he was not referring  this chips but something else).But with lots of trying he couldnt find in any of the stores.Once we were in a bakery they said they had it.I was overjoyed to finally taste the thing.When the shopkeeper got it,my grandfather knew this wasnt the one he was referring to, but still we bought it.From then on it became my favorite.I really dont get why they discontinued this product.

Parle Kismi

It was available for around 50 paise in those days.. Both it’s name and taste made it so special in those days. Be it any occassion my school only distributed this candy.

Hand-Held brick games

much before Xbox,Nintendos and PSP took over.

Pokemon @ 5

The kids today think Chotta Bheem;  Oggy – The Cockroach are the best of cartoons they can watch.  Unfortunately, they have missed the best.

 Reading comics like Tinkle

 Going to 5th standard was an exciting thing because we got to use fountain pens instead of pencils. :D The famous China pens.

Instead of downloading images from the internet for project, we used to search  the newspapers, buy the specific charts related to animals, fruits, birds  etc.

Pen-Pencils. Use to be so much fun using these. No hassles of sharpening the regular "Nataraj" pencils.

TV Shows : Shows that used to be aired were far better than today’s shows.

Undoubtedly the best Hindi TV Series,

Sarabhai vs Sarabhai

Shaktimaan on Sundays

He was the personal favourite. I cant forget the times I tried to spin like him, jumping from the edge of the bed .Taught us SO many values... Choti choti Magar Moti Baatein!!!

Shaka Laka Boom Boom

Takeshi's Castle

I loved RAHUL DRAVID more than Sachin Tendulkar

Class Room Games: Book Cricket and Pen fights

I caused serious harm to my middle finger playing this,

Birthdays at School :

Wear your nicest outfit to school and hand out chocolates to everyone.

Akad bakad Bombay bo…

  This little girl on Parle G packet is still the same...

This was the most tiresome back-to-school activity

 Carrying this for exams was a must!!!

Playing board games Business


 My Possessions...
Back then I was a well known Tour Service Operator.I used to provide free transport to my passengers...(Heights of Daydreaming😅😁)

Happy ME

There are infinite such memories and I havent listed them.

I feel fortunate to live that generation to the fullest. It cannot be and should not be compared with the current generation because as they cannott understand our then sources of fun and happiness, we too cannot understand theirs!!!

Inspired From :  15 Special Childhood Memories That Every 90’s Kid Will Remember

 Apologies for making it so lenthy...

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