
Angels! That is what I have named them. there's always an angel.They come in some form or another, they just come out of nowhere to get me out of trouble, or sorrow.

For a guy like me, who doesn't really like expressing my sadness to other people, these angels, they just seem to read my mind, they don't ask a lot of questions, or talk a lot, they just give me a lot of relief, they give me a reason not to feel miserable. That's it! They just convince me, that I don't have to be all sulky. I couldn't thank them enough for that (I never do though). But that's the best thing about angels; They understand.🙂  They know they have my gratitude. They don't need fancy words, or tears, or revealing truths, for them to realize that they have my love. Well, that's what makes them angels.. They know without telling, they help without asking.

I am going through the worst days of my life (blame-Overthinking), I mean, when things go wrong, everything seems to go against you. I don't think I've ever cared too much about myself. But as long as there are things which  are way too concerning, I wouldn't really have to worry about it. It may not be something I love doing, but is always something that the "Society" would accept.

My best friend got married. I am supposed to be happy for her. Yes I am!! .. I'm just sad about the position I find myself. She was the person I used to talk when I was sad, or depressed, she was one of my angels.. I don't have a huge friend circle but, lot of good friends, many of them consider me to be their best friend.. I do too, but not for everything. I don't share everything with every friend of mine. Like, I have a friend who's good with secrets, a friend who I feel comfortable sharing my thoughts, a friend who's good at motivating me. I guess the only thing I share with all my friends is my happiness. So she was a friend with whom I was comfortable in sharing my sadness and misery. She's very talkative. She talks about 80% of the time, she lets me talk for the rest.. 😄.. But that's fine, I used to feel very relieved. She is a woman after all, she has mother-like qualities. Most girls do. Her husband, is a lucky man, I mean, girls talk way too much, and they don't really expect us guys to digest the whole thing, but what little we have to say, if they listen, sincerely, you know, that's like finding heaven. 😊 .. That's a great quality. 

There's one last angel I'd like to mention. She's the person who gave me the idea of dissolving my sorrow in words. Couple of days ago I was scrolling through my Instagram feed, Suddenly out of nowhere, comes a "Heyloo"(after viewing my story) .. I said, "hi" and I knew what's coming next; "How are you?".. Usually I'd just say I'm doing "Great", to avoid more conversation. Somehow I couldn't lie to her, so I said "Im ok" .. She asked "Sirf OK?(just OK?)" and I told her, briefly- from my best friends marriage to getting ignored by a person. Had she elaborated on that, or expressed her sympathy, I'd have surely gone offline, but she didn't. She just said "Im sorry yaar" and when I asked how she was doing, she said she's doing good.That made me feel good, most people just like to sympathize, and over-react, dramatize things, they make you feel even more miserable, fortunately, she wasn't one of them. She asked me how my blog was doing, I said it had been dead for months. 

Writing really helps, especially people like me. After writing all this, I feel a lot better now. Its always the little things that make the biggest difference. Its hard for me to trust someone, to get close, to admit that I need help, and these angels are the ones who save me, and I shall forever be grateful to them ..🤗

To the Love That’s Still a Stranger

I haven’t met you yet (or maybe I have?), and I am not sure how this will all begin. I am not the most outgoing guy, so if we do meet, it m...