When an Introvert Falls in Love - Part Two ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•


 I don't think no other post than When an Introvert Falls in Love ๐Ÿ’• got so much traffic/hits in so less time.There are friends who still ask for the second part of  The Missed Train Part - 1  and here I post a part two of a blog which I put up couple of weeks ago.

Well not really a part two I had these things noted already  just didn't wanted to make the previous post long and most of the things are clichรฉ . I mean Love itself is a clichรฉ , but clichรฉs exists for a reason.๐Ÿ˜

Introverts are silent personalities with a huge heart and a lot going on in their head and very few ways of expressing it. They are very simple yet, understanding them takes time as they do not easily express what they feel.

They don't care about looks. No matter how you look or what your past is, they simply don't care. All they care is the present you and the future with you! When they fall in love with someone, no body’s opinion can change any of their feelings towards you.Yes, overthinking and over imagining gets them hurt too.

As much as you think you don’t affect them that much, you hold all the power in the world to hurt them.If something good happens with them, they want you to be the first one to know.

They drop a lot of disguised hints, but most of this goes un-noticed because they are so introverted that many people think that their dropping hints comes under normal behavior but for them  it is way beyond what they have ever done,like they’ll go against their nature of not texting/replying and will try to initiate conversations. They’ll make it a point to ask about your well-being even if texting is their least favorite.  

They are the ones who won't be able to express much by words but it is their action and behavior that works and deep inside they feel a lot, a lot more than imagined by the other person. They want to connect with someone with whom they can talk about life, humans, universe and everything around them. They really really love deep conversations. They can just sit with you for hours together, without doing anything, listening to your talk, and they cherish these moments too.They imagine you not just a lover but also a best friend with whom they will finally be able to share everything which they never said anyone else before.

They always tell themselves, “I would have easily approached , if she wouldn't be with her group”. Sometimes they hate themselves for not being a humorous person or talented enough to impress that one special person.

They start keeping count of every single meet even if it's only for a flick of second.  They listen. Everything you say. The same story n no of times. Patiently. And remember every word you say.They observe. Everything you do. From your ear rings to the dress you wore last day, everything.Since they observe so much expect an introvert to fall in love with all your small details much faster than an extrovert.

They will stand with you, in all your stupidities and dramas, in all your ups and downs, because they know what it means to stand alone in a crowd, and would never let you be in that position.

They may be the strongest personalities you will encounter. you don't know how much they are enduring and fighting silently until they trust you enough to open up, which actually can take months together.  

To the Love That’s Still a Stranger

I haven’t met you yet (or maybe I have?), and I am not sure how this will all begin. I am not the most outgoing guy, so if we do meet, it m...