When an Introvert Falls in Love 💕

Introverts dont care much about interacting with others. They always like to live in their own imaginary world.But once they are in love,that's the foremost Innocent & Beautiful moment for them.When they fall for someone,they fall too hard. Its sort of a sharp blow, a havoc in their serene world.

The points which I am gonna list below may not apply to all of the Introverts but most of them have these personality traits. Well I do most of it. 

Introverts can easily hide their feelings to the planet either of sorrow or happiness. they will be dying inside to talk to you and still wouldnt give a single stare at you.They steal glances at you,( a minimum of they think so). If you're alert enough, you'd know they actually are staring. Plain, innocent staring.

They let all of their high walls they need build around themselves over the years come down, only for you.They find reasons to initiate a conversation and fail miserably to carry on to it.Finally once they get the chance(once in a blue moon though),they tend to be a wallflower! Or if not, everything follows Murphy's law!

Their silence is usually interpreted as their ego, but their ego becomes the last item they care about when the love bug bites them.One thing that they' are professional at, is OVERTHINKING and OVER-IMAGINING. They lack in expression, in order that they dominate in imagination. They imagine the situations that never were and circumstances which may never come. You never even know and that they have just established a happy home with you in some galaxy far, far away!

They concentrate to the most trivial things about you and remember the tiniest details of every conversation. They note of every small detail about you though they may not have the courage to talk to you about it, still they know A to Z about you(well, almost all).

An unexpected, out of the blue text from you will light up their entire day.They can go on blushing the entire day just by hearing the words like, ‘Nice Shirt!’ from you.They will send cheesy one liners and terrible jokes just to make you smile.

They are afraid of getting rejected, they are frantic of getting friend zoned , in order that they wont come up and express their feelings so easily. But once they do, it takes a hell lot of courage to confess their feelings!

They will try to do all that you love. they might read every book you suggest, hear your favorite songs, watch your favorite movies even when its not their cup of tea.

Many of introverts are after all good painters, writers, musicians, etc. If you would like to know if they really care about you, closely observe their art, its their way of expressing everything that they would rather not express.

They will let you go. If you ever decide they are not what you want anymore, they will let you go, without any hard feeling or grudges. But they can never be the same again.


Also read 

When an Introvert Falls in Love - Part Two 💕💕


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