Being an Introvert is a Good Thing

"You don't talk much, do you?"

"You have got lot of attitude"

 If I got a one rupee coin every-time a person asked me why I am so reserved I could have been a millionaire by now!

"The less people you chill with, the less bullshit you have to deal with."

I guess this is the fundamental principle most introverts live by.

Being an introvert does not equate to shyness or asocial behavior. Those are two very different things. It simply means that the quantity of the social interaction an introvert prefers is significantly less.That being said, a few things introverts might (again, depends on the person) like to do in order to recharge include reading, writing, painting, listening to music, cooking or any hobby that one can pursue in solitude (or even sleeping!)

Extroverts usually have a very wide circle of friends. However many of the people they count as friends are really just casual acquaintances.
Introverts, on the other hand, tend to form deep, strong bonds with a few carefully selected people. As a result, they create long-lasting relationships with friends who adore them— even if they never return their phone calls. 

Introverts care about what other people say, so they tune into the conversation with every ounce of their being. They look you in the eye, and make sure you have finished what you have to say before responding. They talk less than they listen.

I (and hopefully we) worry a lot about how I present myself to other people. Boy, do I worry. I try to express my thoughts clearly and concisely, I try not to look nervous. I want my hair to be perfect, I want my clothes to look neat, and I want to pass off as normal and unnoticed. But in the end, I end up speaking gobbledegook, my hair becomes a train wreck, my clothes actually crumple due to the constant fussing over it.

Introverts are too soft, too vulnerable with their feelings.And yes, most of them won't make the first move. They won't approach first, how much ever love-sick they are.We generally never let anyone come close to their heart. But if an introvert starts talking to you, starts expressing you that is a clear sign that the person is interested in you. At times, you need to understand them a little more because they can’t express their feelings most of the times. Even if they want you with all their heart, at times they can’t say it.
Before they realize, they are waiting for your calls. They try to keep the conversations going, but are terrible at it.They want to stop you, they want to resist you every bit, cause they know you have the capacity to affect them like no one else. And yet, you are there, painting their small, dimly lit world into all sorts of bright rainbow colors. .
We all dream of having a partner with whom we can just talk about everything and nothing for hours on end. Someone who listens and really understands what is in your heart.This is one of the introvert’s superpowers. They love to listen and if you’re having a bad day or are homesick, you know who can make you feel better.
Introverts are not looking to be the center of attention.While they will likely run and hide when their name is called, you can be assured that when you step off the stage, they’ll be the ones cheering the loudest.
Introverts can't get things out if their heads. They only feel satisfied when they have spent ample time analyzing and recollecting the conversation they just had .
As an introvert I often envy people who can just toss off things from their heads and move on , which for me seems to be a herculian task!!
 Whenever I feel like " I should let this go" , my mind exclaims " what??? You have not given enough thought about it, so how the hell can you let the issue get out from your mind?"
Also, fun fact: In parties/gatherings, we also tend to think one of two thoughts everytime: “Please come talk to me!” and “Why are you coming towards me? Go away!”

In a nutshell, introverts stress out a lot most of the time over the fear of being judged and end up being really awkward to be around.
For the benefit of those who feel I should be less anti-social, accommodating, interactive, apologetic or tolerant, here is what I am, as accurately as I can put it.  

 Also Read:

When an Introvert Falls in Love 💕  


When an Introvert Falls in Love - Part Two 💕💕  



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