Dear Future Self

A letter to my Future Self,


Hi! Hoping that you are doing well there, I'm writing this letter to you and somehow I feel like this letter is long overdue.

How is everyone doing there? I am curious about you! And have some questions that I want to ask you. Do you still write down those feelings when you are unable to express them? I know I used to and always do it from time to time, but do you? Or have you just started to ignore them, as you are in the rat race to succeed? hope you do write those unexpressed emotions, to let yourself all out on those white notes.

Are you still just as reckless and clumsy as I am? Or have you matured with time? I somehow want you to and not to at the same time, as I wish you keep the child inside alive and do all kinds of things people tend to forget to do as they grow up.

Hey, what about your job? Did you manage to get that dream job of yours? Are you adjusting well in the new and unfamiliar atmosphere?Don't back away from speaking your mind.

That Solo trip you planned to travel all over India in trains, have you accomplished it yet?

And I have saved the most critical question for the end of the letter, are you happy? And not just that fake for everyone's sake' wala happy. I'm talking about real happiness. Have you found it? And if not, are you making efforts towards it? Because I know all the hurdles you have gone through before and many more you are going through now. But just remember, despite everything going on, start making yourself happy.Don't mind other people's opinions because I know you are much better than you give credit to yourself.

So start making little 'me' times in your schedules. Accomplish all set goals and make way for new ones. But above all, stay happy, healthy and become all you want to be.



Your Younger Self

To the Love That’s Still a Stranger

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