Introverts & Heartbreaks

As they say every coin has two sides, so why not post this part as well!

In case you haven't read, When an Introvert Falls in Love πŸ’•

It’s not easy for an introvert to fall in love. Our mind's little universe is already occupied with so many thoughts. We are already so content with self that it takes someone really special to make us feel that we need you in our life.

We take a lot of time before making friends with anyone,We don't let people enter in our world easily. So if we are so selective in case of friendship, choosing someone special is certainly hard for us.We take time adjusting with people, and if we do get comfortable with you; trust me you are special, not everyone around gets the same treatment.

We are complicated human beings. We love our space, freedom, loneliness but that doesn’t mean we always want to be alone. We too love our share of happy moments, possessiveness, hugs and things everyone want.

So, yes when Heartbroken or rejected we too feel depressed, pained, awful and all the things anyone would feel or more…

I am saying more because being an introvert it is hard to express for us in the first place. We cannot share our feelings with anyone else and our words and feelings are always left unsaid and unexpressed.We just don't want others to take care of us. We try to handle things by ourselves.

It’s tough, tougher than you think.

 We have a very small world,though very interesting but very small world.When we express our love its like you have been always there in that small world of ours for forever. When rejected suddenly the person is nowhere.Its like collapsing friendship, family island from movie “Inside Out”. The sad part is though rejected we will not complain. We will not tell anybody and also we will not let anybody.

 We lose faith in everyone who comes around. Well not your fault and we don't blame you, it was us who gave it completely to you, and when one fine day you leave, it breaks us down. We try our best to be focused. No matter how hard it is for us, but once you ask us not to contact , we'll try our best about not doing so.

We cry too, a lot,but only to ourselves. We stay indoors, alone, with maybe some watching movies or just online, sharing memes.We may cry ourselves to sleep every night and next morning we may wake up as if nothing has happened. The worst part is we will will act like nothing has happened in front of other people because we want to save ourselves the hassle to tell others about our life.

We build a even firmer wall around us and delve ourselves into reading or writing or somehow trying to express our feelings about these topics and will often get engrossed in those jobs so as to form a strict and ever lasting belief in some concepts which might not be broken easily.



To the Love That’s Still a Stranger

I haven’t met you yet (or maybe I have?), and I am not sure how this will all begin. I am not the most outgoing guy, so if we do meet, it m...