Trying to Ryhme


 Sitting at my desk,

My keyboard, I am typing .. I am deleting... Come on words, come on now, Flow, like what they call poetry.

I need to finish this poem,

Its been a while I wrote one.

(..or I posted one)

Atleast give me something to write about, A thought, a prompt... 

Should I write about her?



Come on brain, come on now!

Even if I get the thoughts what If I cant rhyme for godsake!

What are  the basics? The second and the fourth should rhyme, 

Wait rhyme doesn't rhyme with much, Should I end with Dime time... slime? (That makes no sense)

Why is it so difficult?

It's should be a child's play! 

Match the syllables to the alphabet and start, Alay blay clay dlay elay flay? (Am I really that dense?)


I'm wondering if I should push myself this hard?

 So I wanted to say this on everyone's behalf. Somethings in life can be tough to crack, But that doesn't mean you leave it halfway.

If you started something, go finish it, If not right now, then when?

. . .


Inspired from The Struggles of Writing Poetry

To the Love That’s Still a Stranger

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