Things I want to get better at.

i.  Being a person. I mean, at this point I do not suppose I am a day person or a night person, just being a person works for now.


ii. Not forgetting the song I was obsessing over a week back.


iii. Making lists and following them.


iv. Letting go.(I still can't) I am the kind of person who wants to hold on to people even if they don't want me in their life.


v. Being real and sharing my lows as much as I share my highs, we are all in this together(I guess).


vi. Not watching the same movie\series every time I have some time and start watching something else.


vii. Feeling loved. For the longest time, I had my walls up high but feeling loved is a feeling that everyone deserves.


viii. Giving myself the margin of being human. Often, we go so hard on ourselves, but we forget that it's okay to be flawed.


ix. Getting out of the blanket in winters and being productive.


x. Saying 'no' and 'it's not okay' to people, saved the toughest one for the end. :")

To the Love That’s Still a Stranger

I haven’t met you yet (or maybe I have?), and I am not sure how this will all begin. I am not the most outgoing guy, so if we do meet, it m...