Birthday Blues

 All the characters in this post are not fictional. It has some or the other relation with all living or dead persons. This is inspired by me and my friends. If there is any similarity with any living or dead person in it, then it has been done very thoughtfully. Because I often write what my heart loves. You should also do the same..


Every year at the onset of November, I am on the fence.

Birthdays have never been a runway event for me. I have no memory of waiting for the clock to strike 12. I am also not guilty of counting the number of Facebook posts on the days that follow.My simple middle-class parents made the day as glittery as they could and were highly supportive when I wanted to give eclairs instead of mango bite as a return gift one year.

Few random thoughts I have on my Birthday...

  • Why is there so much pressure on a single day to be perfect? Why is this day an excuse for people to reconnect who have been ignoring me just fine?
  •  How unexpectedly my equation with most people changes within one year.
  •  How each year I continue to grow up, realize how fickle crowded parties and wild celebrations are.The adrenaline rush I got when I was 10 at the thought of having a fancy birthday party continues to diminish as grow older.
  •  No matter how my life currently is, some people are just forever kind.
  •  Introspection of my progress since the previous year.I cheer myself on for all that I achieved and motivating myself to keep doing better. I appreciate myself for strongly getting through all that life threw at me while being slightly bummed out that my special day is now 356 days away. Indeed, I look forward to facing all that life throws at me with a smile on my face and vigour in my heart.

Happy Birthday to the ones who can hear the echo of what is still left unsaid in these words.

To the Love That’s Still a Stranger

I haven’t met you yet (or maybe I have?), and I am not sure how this will all begin. I am not the most outgoing guy, so if we do meet, it m...