Notes of Hope


Some days you just feel lost. You don't want to talk to anyone. You just want to sit alone and think about yourself. You feel alone in spite of having people to talk to. 

Sometimes you randomly smile looking at chats or pictures of your loved ones. And the next moment you cry remembering all the times you have lost over the years. Nothing might have gone wrong but you would still feel that 'you are not enough. 

You will start to overthink everything you have done or said until now. You would start questioning your own choice of people, career and life. At this point, you would cry even on the smallest thing. You would feel life isn't treating you right.

But just remember,maybe this is life's way to bring you up. Trust yourself. Life isn't always so cruel. Maybe sometimes it's just you who isn't ready to face what's coming up next. What if you are not in a good place to move forward? What if you keep holding onto things which don't matter and lose out on the better things?

Calm down, breathe and then step forward. Tell yourself you can do it. Talk to people. Healing might take time, it might be difficult but if you try, you will realize the healing process has made you stronger than before.

To the Love That’s Still a Stranger

I haven’t met you yet (or maybe I have?), and I am not sure how this will all begin. I am not the most outgoing guy, so if we do meet, it m...