Writing To Escape


You know that feeling that you get when there are millions of thoughts that are exploding in your mind but you can't exactly pinpoint on that one idea or one thought that feels right. That feels appropriate.

Some days I have many thoughts and other days I am as blank as a white sheet.Some days my mind process so many thoughts at a time that it gets difficult for me to Jot it down and other days it just sits still.

I start penning down words, one feeling after another,but somewhere midway, I hit back space and delete all of it.

It's weird how I want to create a masterpiece but end up creating something that feels so ordinary and sometimes a little disappointing. How I read someone's else's piece and feel that I have failed somewhere, that I could have created that piece, that THAT person wrote EXACTLY what I felt and that I SHOULD have been the one to create it. I start somewhat blaming myself that why can't I think of something like that, maybe I did but the thought just came and left my mind without giving me the time to quickly jot it down.

I will always notice that the titles that I picked so carefully could have been used more beautifully, that some other content would have complimented more than what I actually used. I obviously cannot follow rules of writing and think I am very fond of keeping the endings abrupt. 

Just like this one.




























To the Love That’s Still a Stranger

I haven’t met you yet (or maybe I have?), and I am not sure how this will all begin. I am not the most outgoing guy, so if we do meet, it m...