My First Interview



 It was Saturday morning(early morning), train halted at Kollam Junction and I saw actress Nazriya Nazim getting into the train.She was probably coming from the shoot of "Nenjodu Cherthu" song because she had worn the same pink dress from the song.She sat and smiled at me,it was so welcoming that I felt so good, her radiant eyes, brightening smile...I was lost!!!

But, all of a sudden, the train began shaking vigorously, all the luggage kept on the upper birth started falling down, and I began hearing this very similar voice,

"Get up.It's 9 AM!! You said you have an interview today!"

I woke up from my sleep and all that was just a dream, or be it a dream, it was awesome nevertheless, and its... gone! I wished i could try and close my eyes and continue with the dream, but I couldn't.

 So by brother's friend worked in a consultancy, and was helping me to get a job.

I got ready wore a shirt and jeans, tucked in just to look a bit formal.I went to his office and he welcomed me with a handshake.He was a very tall, thick person, looked calm, and it looked to me that this isn't going to be much of an interview, rather just a friendly chat with a friend of my brother. So we took our seats, and he asked for my resume. I gave it with my file with all my mark lists and the course certificate.

He began looking through my marklists. "Hmmm....." .. I was blank, I have heard that "hmmm.." before, from my teachers, mostly, and obviously I hated that. One of the reasons I hated my college, where your ID is the number of back-papers you have. No matter how good, or talented, or smart you are, if you are not good at gulping down all those textbooks and vomiting into your answer papers, you are a nobody... and I suspected that might happen here too.

"So... is there any particular reason why you have failed in these papers?"

I didn't have an answer to that, I mean how could I? I failed because I didn't study. But could I say that to someone who's testing me if I have studied what I was supposed to.

"Eh..... (with an expression as if you just stepped on shit) .. "
He still looked as if he was waiting for a reply. I think, that he really wanted to help me out, he wanted to get me a job. All he wanted was the least bit of contribution from my part, and i wasn't giving anything at all. I felt like I shouldn't let him down, would be more like making a fool of myself.

I started speaking, cleared my voice and said, "Sir, I've always had trouble learning things by heart, also I dont think I spent enough time on those subjects."

He nodded his head, while still reading through my marklists. I guess he just wanted to hear a response, nothing extravagant, and i felt i gave him that. But just to interrupt the silence, I added;

" ... And, I have a slight problem with programming languages.."

That was definitely not necessary. Not only did I break the silence, i managed to change his expression too, from cool to concerned. He looked at me.. for a while, and I just moved my eyebrows a little as if to say I was just being honest.

"Well, Rintu, what we mostly deal with here is advanced JavaScript.. and I think, that you might find it a little bit difficult for you to do what we do here."

I was listening very carefully. I learned Computer Engineering for 4 years, but i didn't know much at all. I don't know how i got through all those papers. And i always thought, whether you become an engineer, and have to solve a problem, or design an application, would you rely on your memory power, or simply refer a textbook?Obviously you would definitely prefer the latter, no matter how good you are, 4 years of dealing with theory will help you in finding the appropriate references, and familiarize with problem solving. Of course i may be wrong, as I have never tried doing it the hard way, to sit and study all that.

He said, "I will just simply ask you a few questions .. :) .. "

I felt very awkward, my mind was totally blank at the moment, I mean, I woke up this morning and came here, just like that. Engineering is the last thing that I would have in my mind. Ask me any quote from a movie or ask me to write down full lyrics of a song, I would do it in the blink of an eye; but not this, i don't know. I should have at least read through that "Fundamentals of Programming Languages" book.

What happened next was a blur. I dont really remember what he asked or what I answered. 1st question was something about OOP. I uttered something which was vaguely related to his answer. He gave me a lot of time, but I just didn't have much to do.

He probably thought of me as an idiot, I cant be sure, because it still looked as if he hadn't given up on me. By then, I had stopped 'trying'. I was just sitting there, listening to whatever he had to say, and if it was a question, i would have kindly said, "I dont know, I dont remember"

"Well, its a good thing you told me at first that you were weak in programming, as that is what we are all about. We will meet again next Monday and discuss your future then"

He kept talking about a lot of general things after that, which I just nodded on, i was waiting for him to say it- "OK then" .. Which he did, several times, and then he would carry on talking about something else.

I was getting very impatient, and I tried my best not to show it. But it kind of snapped, and on the zillionth time he said, "OK then" I stood up, stretched my arm, shook his hand, gave him a big bright smile and said, "Well thank you Sir!" . I guess I got the timing right, as I didn't really interrupt him.I came out of the office.

It was raining heavily outside, and I didn't have an umbrella.

To the Love That’s Still a Stranger

I haven’t met you yet (or maybe I have?), and I am not sure how this will all begin. I am not the most outgoing guy, so if we do meet, it m...