Moving on from the One you Never Dated


Unrequited love can be a difficult and painful experience, one that can linger in your hearts and minds for a long time. If you have ever been in love with someone who didn't reciprocate your feelings, then you know how difficult it can be to let go. Its trickier. How do you make the call of choosing to let go when there's a part of you that hopes silently that you wouldn't have to?

You know how people tell you, "Take a deep breath, and let it go." As if you didn't already know.But what about the bleeding heart? What about the memories that keep you awake at night? What about the shattered dream? The heart wants what it wants,right?

                                                                  *The Heart*

Heart : Huh! So now its all my fault?

You didn't fell for them because everyone else around you was dating or getting married,it just happened to you.However, most of the time, the people we like do not reciprocate.They may be thinking of someone else when you dream about spending the rest of your life with them.Of course, none of this was planned.You had no intention of falling for them.You were supposed to be immune to their charm, but you couldn't resist.

You tried to move on, but it was difficult. Every time you saw them, your heart would ache. You couldn't take your mind off how happy you had been with them.You couldn't stop thinking about them and found yourself analyzing every interaction you had, hoping for a sign that they might change their mind.But deep down, you knew it was unlikely. You couldn't shake the feeling that you had missed out on something truly special.

The confusion kept killing you.There were times when you thought everything was real. And then there were times when deep down you knew that they were gonna break your heart.And you kept lying to yourself over and over again. You kept telling yourself that the two of you had a shot. You kept ignoring all the red-flags. Days,Months passed and there was nothing that changed in you. You were there, waiting for closure while they were making the same promises to someone else. 

And then one fine day you see a picture of them with someone else, and everyone showering wishes.Your heart sank at first, but then something unexpected happened. You started to experience a sense of relief and happiness.

It was as if a weight had been lifted off your shoulders.You realized that you had been holding on to a dream that was never meant to be. It wasn't fair to you, to continue to cling to something that was never going to happen. You finally let go, and it was the most liberating feeling.

You are genuinely happy for them, and you realized that you have grown as a person.You learnt to accept that sometimes things don't work out, but that doesn't mean it's the end of the world."Maybe life has a way of leading you to where you need to be, even if it's not the path you originally envisioned."


You know writing is your escape,its your way of letting it all out.

So how then?

A series maybe...

 To be continued...


To the Love That’s Still a Stranger

I haven’t met you yet (or maybe I have?), and I am not sure how this will all begin. I am not the most outgoing guy, so if we do meet, it m...